You will still need to know Objective-C, despite the introduction of Swift
I read online some remarks of people claiming that the introduction
of the new Swift programming language is going to remove all the
barriers to entry for iOS development. Some even think that Swift is
going to put every developer back at square one. I understand the
excitement around a new language after 20 years of Objective-C. Although
these claims might have some merits in the long term, they are at the
moment not only inaccurate but completely opposite of reality.
We can all agree that Swift is a big step forward in regards of iOS
development and it’s going to have a big impact on how we make iOS apps.
It is definitely a more modern language than Objective-C and fills the
gaps left open by its ancestor. It is also true that Swift has a syntax
that will be simpler for many and which might be easier for beginners to
pick up. It is definitely a syntax closer to that of many other modern
languages than the Objective-C one. Moreover, Swift introduces many
concept that already existed elsewhere for quite some time. This will
make it easier for developers coming from other languages and platforms
to find familiar constructs in the language.
But this is where it stops. Those who think that the only problem in
learning iOS development were its square brackets or its uncommon syntax
are completely missing the point. If anything, this is a small and
momentary barrier that you can quickly overcome. Objective-C is not a
weird language that does not make any sense, quite the contrary. Once
you get familiar with it, the Objective-C syntax makes sense to many and
has its own merits regarding its readability. This can be easily seen,
since Apple decided to keep some of Objective-C’s peculiarities in the
Swift’s syntax.
But this barrier of an uncommon syntax is definitely not the only
existing one, nor it is the hardest to overcome. iOS is a whole
platform. It has its own paradigms, design patterns, and a huge amount
of libraries that a beginner cannot learn in a few days. In this regard,
Swift is not going to make any difference. After acquiring familiarity
with the language, be it the old one or the new one, a new developer
still does not know many things about iOS. For example, what a view
controller is and what is its role in an iOS app, or how the MVC and
Target-Action patterns are used in iOS. And this is just to start with
the basics of the platform.
The iOS library has grown over the years, and includes many useful
framework that make a lot of tasks much easier than in the past. But
anyone new to the platform needs to learn these frameworks to make iOS
apps. There is a huge difference between an experienced iOS developer
and a beginner. This is even more true for someone who never programmed
before. I, for example, can get the Swift manual released by Apple, read
it in one go and start writing apps in a week. Yes, I will be a bit
slow at first. At times I will pause to think how to do something in a
language I’m still not familiar with. But I will pick it up quickly
while working on a real project, because I know how iOS works, and that
has not changed.
Objective-C is a tool in the developer’s toolbox.
Changing it with another, newer, shinier tool will not magically bestow knowledge over a whole platform.
Let’s get to another misconception I have read: Objective-C is not going away any time soon.
When Swift will finally come out of beta (as I write this it has not
yet reached the 1.0 release), it will not all of a sudden replace
Objective-C. iOS developers will still need to know Objective-C for a
long time.
All the iOS APIs are still in Objective-C.
Apple only introduced a new language but didn’t rewrite all the old
frameworks in it. Nor it did go through the huge amount of work required
to update the APIs to Swift. What it did instead was to make Swift and
Objective-C compatible so they can interoperate and coexist. Even the
new APIs introduced in iOS 8 are still in Objective-C. You will need to
know it to use any existing framework.
The frameworks’ APIs are not the only thing that is still in Objective-C.
Many useful third party libraries developed through the years are not
going to be translated to Swift overnight. Some developers have been
already hard at work to make this happen, but many more will be busy on
other things. So, for a long time, a huge part of iOS existing code will
be in Objective-C. This also include all the codebases of apps created
until now. Rewriting code that works almost never makes sense and nobody
is going to spend time doing it. Unless you are going to work on a
brand new app, which will be completely written in Swift from the start,
you will have to read and maintain old code written in Objective-C.
This is going to be true for years.
Even new apps that will be created after the release of Swift 1.0 are
not necessarily going to be written in it from the first day. Apple has
been changing the language a lot through the beta versions, breaking
existing Swift code. Apple is reserving the right to grow the language
in a way that will keep breaking code. For some time many developers
that want to have a maintainable and stable codebase will still be
writing it in Objective-C.
If this wasn’t enough, code is not the only thing that is not going
to change in the short term. Documentation, books, tutorials, videos,
blog posts, Q&A websites are all in Objective-C at the moment. If
you search for “How to do X in iOS” chances are that the answer you are
going to find is going to be in Objective-C and not in Swift.
If you want to be an iOS developer now, and for quite some time, you
will need to know not just one language, but two. even though you might
not need to have the same skills in both. This puts in a better position
experienced developers that already know Objective-C, not beginners
approaching the iOS platform for the first time. For a long time
companies are going to need developers that know both languages. To me
it looks that the barriers to entry were raised, not lowered. This is
going to be true until the moment in which Objective-C will not be so
dominant anymore and it will make sense to only learn Swift. For how
long is this going to last? I don’t know. My guess is at least for a
couple of years.
During this time, iOS developers will need to keep their Objective-C
knowledge fresh. New developers who will learn iOS development in Swift
first, will need to add Objective-C to their toolbox.
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